Microsoft enters the tablet market to compete with Apple. The company launched last Monday (18), the Surface, as it is called, with screen of 10.6 inches and 26.9 inches.
The tablet's operating system will be Windows 8. The first model of the tablet with Windows RT, weighs 676 grams and is 9.3 mm thick and has a memory of 32 GB (giga bytes) and 64 GB. This reversal of the Office suite includes applications.
The other version weighs 903 grams, is 13.5 mm thick and storage capacity of 64GB and 128GB. This model does not include Office applications.
The models come with integrated support and multiple color options of keyboards. Users may handle by touch or with a stylus.
Microsoft has not released when the tablet is available for sale and how much it will cost the product. According to a spokesperson from Microsoft, the launch will be in conjunction with Windows 8.
Microsoft launches Windows tablet with 8
In an event surrounded by mysteries, Microsoft announced on Monday (18) the "Surface", a 7-inch tablet with Windows 8. Steve Ballmer, Microsoft CEO, was responsible for presenting the new device.
Microsoft Surface (Photo: Play / The Verge)
"It was always clear to us what our software can do forced us to use the hardware capability to where, sometimes, our partners had not even imagined," Ballmer said at the beginning of the launch.
Developing matter.
His first and only appearance before the launch took place during the conference the company's biggest trade fair for the world game, E3 2012, the last 4 days.
Tablet used for demonstrations during the conference games from Microsoft's E3 2012.
At this conference, the feature that lets you use Windows 8 tablets to control specific functions within Xbox 360 games was called "SmartGlass." The demonstration was performed on the stage, where a tablet used to guide the tactics of his team in "Madden NFL 13."
"It was always clear to us what our software can do forced us to use the hardware capability to where, sometimes, our partners had not even imagined," Ballmer said at the beginning of the launch.
Developing matter.
His first and only appearance before the launch took place during the conference the company's biggest trade fair for the world game, E3 2012, the last 4 days.
Tablet used for demonstrations during the conference games from Microsoft's E3 2012.
At this conference, the feature that lets you use Windows 8 tablets to control specific functions within Xbox 360 games was called "SmartGlass." The demonstration was performed on the stage, where a tablet used to guide the tactics of his team in "Madden NFL 13."
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